Friday, February 7, 2014

Shayna's story

1. Describe how the story incorporated the technique, "Make them laugh before you make them cry." 
They made it seem like everything was ok with her first jump but then it went horribly wrong.
2.  How did the story structure help “save a surprise” on at least two occasions?
By not telling you that she had a kid until after they told you she was pregnant during the fall. It seemed like she would never go sky diving again but she did.
3.  Which soundbite will you remember the most from this piece?
I will remember the sound of Shayna's husband screaming at her as she was falling.
4. How do the Anchor's comments after the feature help bring the story full circle?
It brings it back to the idea of Shayna skydiving.
5. What information would you like to have that the story did not include? 

How long her recovery took.

Shayna's parachute failed on her first time sky diving alone and she went crashing to the ground and survived. 

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